PrEP is used as a medication for preventing HIV infection by taking it daily, one pill per day, along with consistent condom use.

In terms of HIV prevention, PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) has become a groundbreaking medication in the medical field. By providing proactive prevention against HIV transmission, PrEP has revolutionized the medical approach to care, reducing the rate of HIV infection significantly. PrEP is an oral antiviral medication administered to individuals at high risk of infection. It consists of a combination of the drugs Tenofovir and Emtricitabine, which are used in HIV treatment. When taken consistently, PrEP reduces the risk of HIV transmission by over 90%.

Who should consider taking PrEP?

  • Individuals who engage in unprotected sex
  • People who share needles with others, particularly in the context of substance abuse
  • Individuals who have multiple sexual partners or engage in frequent partner changes
  • Individuals in serodiscordant relationships (where one partner is infected with HIV and the other is not)
  • People who frequently use post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and are unable to reduce their risky behaviors
  • Individuals who have tested positive for a sexually transmitted infection within the past 3-6 months
  • Sex workers
ใครบ้างที่ควรกินยา เพร็พ PrEP

Benefits of PrEP

PrEP provides numerous benefits beyond its effectiveness in preventing HIV transmission. It empowers individuals to take control of their own health, reducing anxiety related to potential HIV exposure during sexual activities. Additionally, PrEP serves as a crucial tool in enabling intimate relationships for couples, allowing them to strengthen their bond without fear of HIV transmission to the uninfected partner.

PrEP Medication Usage and Dosage

PrEP is used as a daily oral medication, taking one pill per day. It is important to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions to ensure the best prevention and efficacy. It is recommended to use PrEP in conjunction with condom use during sexual activities, and regular HIV testing appointments will be scheduled. Kidney function tests are also part of regular monitoring.

Possible Side Effects and Safety

In general, PrEP is a safe medication with minimal impact on kidney function. However, in the initial stages of taking PrEP, some individuals may experience side effects such as nausea, headache, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, and fatigue. These symptoms often subside within a few weeks. Therefore, regular health check-ups and open communication with a healthcare provider are necessary for the safe use of PrEP.

Frequently Asked Questions about PrEP

  • Taking PrEP medication daily can reduce the risk of infection by what percentage?
    • Answer = If taken daily, consistently, without missing doses, and combined with condom use every time, PrEP can prevent HIV infection by more than 99%.
  • Can I take PrEP medication without consulting a doctor?
    • Answer = No, it is not possible to take PrEP medication without consulting a doctor. Before prescribing PrEP, healthcare providers need to conduct blood tests to check for HIV infection and perform other relevant laboratory tests. Only then can the doctor prescribe the appropriate PrEP medication. If a person is already infected with HIV, PrEP will not be effective, and there is a risk of developing drug resistance in the future when undergoing HIV treatment.
  • Do I have to take PrEP for the rest of my life?
    • Answer = It is not necessary to take PrEP for the rest of your life. If there are periods where you are not at risk of HIV infection, you can consult with a healthcare provider at the Phuket Medical Clinic and express your intention to stop taking the medication. However, it is important not to stop on your own without discussing it with your doctor and without undergoing blood tests.
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The process of receiving PrEP at Phuket Medical Clinic is as follows:

  • Notify the clinic staff of your intention to receive PrEP medication and make an appointment for a consultation.
  • Have a discussion with the doctor, seek advice, and provide relevant medical history to determine the suitability for PrEP medication.
  • Undergo additional diagnostic tests, including HIV testing and other relevant laboratory tests, before starting PrEP medication.
  • If the blood test results are negative and the doctor deems it appropriate, you will be prescribed PrEP medication along with proper instructions and information about the medication, including potential side effects.
  • Receive the PrEP medication and take it home as instructed by the doctor. After approximately 30 days of taking the medication, return for a follow-up appointment.
  • Undergo blood tests to confirm the effectiveness of PrEP medication and schedule regular follow-up appointments every 3 and 6 months to ensure negative blood results and safety from HIV infection.
  • If you experience severe side effects after taking the medication, promptly return to see the doctor before the scheduled appointment.
  • If you wish to stop taking PrEP medication, do not stop on your own. Always consult with the doctor before making any changes.

Where can I buy PrEP medication?

As mentioned earlier, in order to obtain PrEP medication, you need to consult with a healthcare professional specifically trained in HIV and sexually transmitted infections. PrEP medication cannot be purchased at pharmacies or online. The consultation with a healthcare provider is crucial to initiate the diagnostic process and assess whether PrEP medication is suitable for you. If you are interested in taking PrEP for HIV prevention, you can contact and seek consultation from the specialized medical team at “Phuket Medical Clinic.” They provide services every day from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. For further inquiries, you can call 096-696-2449 or make an online appointment for disease diagnosis in advance.

PrEP HIV prevention Phuket