“Phuket Medical Clinic” is a service center for Pre-exposure prophylaxis (Prep), specializing and committed to protecting your health from HIV.

Phuket Medical Clinic: Prep service center in Phuket Preventing HIV is an important issue that everyone should pay attention to. Taking Prep medication is a highly effective way of preventing HIV and it’s a service we are committed to providing.

At “Phuket Medical Clinic”, we have a team of HIV and Prep specialists ready to provide advice and excellent care. You will receive risk assessments, annual health checks, and counseling to ensure that using Prep is the right choice for you.

HIV is a disease that can be sexually transmitted. Using Prep medication is highly effective in preventing HIV. The use of Prep is an effective method of HIV prevention that can help prevent HIV infection up to 99%.

What is Prep?

Prep, or Pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a preventive HIV medication for people at high risk of infection. Taking Prep medication can help reduce the risk of HIV infection when exposed to the virus.

How does Prep work?

Prep works by blocking the HIV virus from growing in the body. Typically, taking Prep should be combined with the use of condoms to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Using Prep

Prep use should be discussed with a doctor and include an annual health check. If you are at high risk of HIV infection, such as having a partner infected with HIV or engaging in high-risk sexual behaviors, a doctor will recommend using Prep.

Side effects of Prep

Side effects of Prep are often a concern for users, but in reality, the side effects of Prep typically do not last long and disappear within two to three weeks after starting the medication.

Phuket Medical Clinic: Prep service center in Phuket At “Phuket Medical Clinic”, we have a team of HIV and Prep specialists ready to provide advice and excellent care. You will receive risk assessments, annual health checks, and counseling to ensure that using Prep is the right choice for you.

Using Prep can effectively prevent HIV infection. If you are at high risk of HIV infection, taking Prep may be the best method of prevention. If you have questions or want more information about Prep, you can contact “Phuket Medical Clinic”.

Treatment and prevention of HIV at “Phuket Medical Clinic” is not just about providing Prep. We also offer counseling, health check-ups, and continuous care. All of this is to ensure that you are confident that you are getting the best care.

เปิดบริการทุกวัน เวลา 10:00-18:00 น.
เบอร์โทร : 096-6962449
Line ID มี @ ด้วยนะครับ : @pmcphuket
แผนที่ : https://goo.gl/maps/nQ9S68sLSKwq9aoP6
